А всех, кто в эти декабрьские денёчки заглянет в блог с наступающим Новым годом и приятного аппетита за новогодним столом.
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Авторы: © Compilation. L.Dzierbičava, 1977. © Translation into English. A.Weise, V.Cichanovič, 1994.
Название: Belarusian cuisine
Количество страниц: 50
Издательство: Miensk, Uradžaj, 1994. ISBN 985-04-0065-X
Modern Belarusian cookery is based on old national traditions which have undergone a long historical evolution. But the main methods of traditional Belarusian cuisine are carefully kept by the people.
4 cupful milk, 2 cupful water, 1 carrot, 1 egg, I-1.5 cupful flour, 2 tsps sugar, 1 tblsp butter, salt.
Boil the shredded carrot in slightly salted water, add the milk, salt and boil again.
To the wheat flour add the egg and a little water, mix thoroughly until it is the thickness of cream and slowly pour into the soup, stirring rapidly. Shortly before the soup is done add sugar and butter.
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